What I offer
Revision of legal and economic documents in Spanish. Also translation and subtitling services from English and Portuguese to Spanish.
To whom
Law Firms with international activity and multinational companies.
What it can do for your business
I. Allows lawyers and other nonnative professionals to perform in Spanish without losing quality in their work – preserving excellence.
II. Adds value to your services:
a) Regarding Spanish-speaking clients, because it brings a higher quality and efficient communication.
b) Regarding markets, so as it allows Firms and businesses to enter Spanish-speaking markets without losing quality in its work and
diminishes the linguistic barrier with local competitors.
III. Reduces costs in the company:
a) Increasing productivity of the professional, who can now just focus on doing what it does best.
b) Suppressing the need to hire native workers for intermittent jobs in Spanish – flexibility.
What I offer
Revision of legal and economic documents in Spanish. Also translation and subtitling services from English and Portuguese to Spanish.
To whom
Law Firms with international activity and multinational companies.
What it can do for your business
I. Allows lawyers and other nonnative professionals to perform in Spanish without losing quality in their work – preserving excellence.
II. Adds value to your services:
a) Regarding Spanish-speaking clients, because it brings a higher quality and efficient communication.
b) Regarding markets, so as it allows Firms and businesses to enter Spanish-speaking markets without losing quality in its work and
diminishes the linguistic barrier with local competitors.
III. Reduces costs in the company:
a) Increasing productivity of the professional, who can now just focus on doing what it does best.
b) Suppressing the need to hire native workers for intermittent jobs in Spanish – flexibility.